How do I sponsor a child ?
You opened this page because you have the heart to give. You will make a real change in the lives of students and thousands of children who are in Western Jamaica; by supporting MBAC through a recurring monthly gift. Your generosity and commitment will impact needy children and their families who are enrolled in MBAC.
Step1. Check out our donation page to see some of the needs of our students.
Step 2. Contact us expressing your interest in sponsorship.
Step 3. Let us know how often you will send your sponsorship contribution and the amount weather per month, quarter, or year. You can also use our Pay Pal link on the donation page to send your contributions.
Step 4. Look out for our annual invoice and newsletter expressing our gratitude for your generosity.
Your gifts will be combined with these of other sponsors so that all our students will benefit.​ It will help to provide for students' education, school supplies, projects, school fees, and teachers so all students can learn, grow and achieve their goals.
Through your sponsorship, you will make a difference in our students' lives and their community.
If you have said YES! to help sponsor the students, we thank you for making room in your heart for a precious child.
We would like to believe that sponsorship changes the lives of students and their sponsors:
Jamaica nice mon!! Come, visit our center, and interact with the students, you’ll see the multiple ways your kindness makes a difference for our precious students and whom you will grow to love.​